World’s Biggest 3D Printed Building in Dubai Printed By Apis Cor

At 3DSourced we’ve covered everything 3D printing and 3D since 2017. Our team has interviewed the most innovative 3D printing experts, tested and reviewed more than 20 of the most popular 3D printers and 3D scanners to give our honest recommendations, and written more than 500 3D printing guides over the last 5 years.
Apis Cor have long been known for their work in the 3D printed house industry — having 3D printed a house in just 24 hours back in 2016. This time, they’ve outdone themselves. Not only have they printed another ambitious build, but they’ve 3D printed the largest building in the world of its kind.
Dubai has been very receptive to 3D printing in recent years. The country made a number of bold and ambitious goals to have 25% of buildings be 3D printed in the near future, and evidence of this shows in this latest project. Apis Cor collaborated with the Dubai Municipality to create this building — said to be used for administrative purpose — featuring two stories and some very complex architecture.
This appears however to just be the first step within a wider goal between Dubai and Apis Cor. The building was said to be a mere test, to ascertain whether the printer and its concrete material could be effective in Dubai’s harsh climate. If all appears well, this is a stepping stone towards skyscrapers, apartment blocks and landmarks being 3D printed.
Apis Cor’s first house back in December 2016 was hugely impressive and caught the world’s attention — gaining 3.5M views on YouTube. It seemed impossible at the time to 3D print a house, and especially in just 24 hours.
Now however this not only seems plausible but manageable; 3D printing has advanced so quickly that what was seen as impossible is now unsurprising. Apis Cor’s first house was a massive achievement, but on reflection the architecture was simple — it was one circular shape and had just one story. This new project blows this out the water; the architecture is exponentially more complex, impressive and picturesque.
Overall, this shows Apis Cor — and 3D printing houses in general — mean business. This is far from the last we’ll see from this company, and we look forward to seeing what else they can do with house-building, and whether it can offer a viable solution to the housing crisis in other parts of the world. This is a big win for 3D printing as another use-case is shown, as it continues to shake up industries.