Star Wars 3D Prints: Coolest STL Models To Download

At 3DSourced we’ve covered everything 3D printing and 3D since 2017. Our team has interviewed the most innovative 3D printing experts, tested and reviewed more than 20 of the most popular 3D printers and 3D scanners to give our honest recommendations, and written more than 500 3D printing guides over the last 5 years.
Star Wars has been a huge pop culture phenomenon for decades now. Ever since its first release in 1977, it’s been one of the most famous franchises that’s still expanding over four decades later. Spanning into everything from videogames to Lego, it’s easy to see why 3D printing Star Wars stuff is an incredibly popular hobby for many.
Star Wars collectibles are rarely cheap. The gargantuan nature of the franchise and the fact that its universe is still growing make its market and popularity an unstoppable force (pun intended) that corners pretty much every market, especially toys and collectibles.

With so much to choose from and a lot of cost to consider, 3D printing Star Wars toys, replica lightsabers, and even bookmarks is a great way to cut down on costs and add your own twists on the ever-expanding universe’s most beloved characters and creatures, including your personal favorites.
You can find Star Wars on everything. Placemats, action figures, bookmarks, even bubble bath bottles can feature the likeness of Darth Vadar, Yoda, and any other Star Wars character you can think of.

The variety of 3D printed Star Wars stuff is just as endless, so naturally we can’t get to everything here. But in this article I’m going to show you some of the coolest and most fun Star Wars 3D prints there are. At least in my own dorky opinion.
3D Printed Star Wars Toys
Regardless of how strong your fanaticism, there’s a good chance you had at least one Star Wars toy as a kid. I know I had quite a lot of minifigures and playsets even back when I was too young to understand the movies’ plots in any significant way beyond ‘lightsabers are cool’.
Here are a few of the most fun 3D printed Star Wars toys for kids and adults alike to recreate their favorite moments from the films or even act out original stories, however you want to play.
Collapsible Lightsaber
- Where to Download: Thingiverse
- Designer: dynavap
- Price: Free

When we think about Star Wars toys, it’s hard not to picture the old classic. Collapsible lightsabers were the best way to feel like a real Jedi preparing his sword for battle, and it was one of the coolest things in the world, cool enough, in fact, that half the time we even forgot that they were made from cheap plastic.
I myself went through quite a few of these as a kid by playing Jedi just a little too often, so this 3D printed lightsaber toy is a great way to make your own stronger and easily replaceable version at home.
It’s a free model that’s simple to make and fun to use and play with. It’s a fantastic piece either as a 3D printed lightsaber toy, or part of a DIY cosplay set. It’s ripe for customization and easy to print and replace in the event of a breakage.
If you’d rather 3D print a lightsaber closer to those seen across the Star Wars franchise, or simply make something a little more detailed, then you can check out our article on the best 3D printed lightsabers too.
Flexible C3PO and R2D2
- Where to Download: Flexible C3PO and Flexible R2D2 on Thingiverse
- Designer: dmitch26
- Price: Free

The genius of making audiences sympathetic towards machines is truly a marvel, what’s even more impressive is when these machines manage to forge believable and compelling friendships.
C3PO and R2D2 have been a package deal since their debut in the first Star Wars movie in 1977. Even with the prequels, it’s still difficult to imagine one without the other, and so I couldn’t help but include these flexible toy models of the robotic pair instead of choosing a favorite.
These toys are cute 3D printed Star Wars toys that also work well as keychains, ornaments, or even earrings with a little bit of tweaking. In any case, they’re simple prints that are easy to make and assemble, and don’t take long to print either, averaging only 2-3 hours per model.
- Where to Download: Thingiverse
- Designer: tchok
- Price: Free

Speaking of droids, while there are far too many to choose from within the Star Wars universe, but I couldn’t help but mention this adorable, and very simple, 3D printed BB8 toy.
While the sequel trilogy has divided the Star Wars fandom for years, it’s hard to argue that the aesthetics of the new characters matched the Star Wars look we all know and love. Of all the more recent additions to the franchise, BB8 is a fan favorite.
Effectively an R2D2 for the newer age, BB8 was a somewhat-mute but still cheeky little droid that provided both useful skills as well as some comic relief to the expanding franchise’s new stories.
This 3D printed toy is easy to assemble and is balanced so it can stand up on its own. It’s a fun toy or even just a decorative piece for your desk that won’t take long to make or put together no matter your experience.
Motorized Star Wars AT-AT
- Where to Download: Thingiverse
- Designer: LtDan
- Price: Free

Star Wars is known for many things, from its memorable character and arcs to its masterful storytelling and compelling universe. But no sci-fi series is complete without vehicles and war machines that are immediately recognizable.
The AT-AT is one such vehicle, and is known mainly for its march on the rebel base back in The Empire Strikes Back. Whether you pronounce it ‘A-T-A-T’ or ‘at-at’, one of which is ridiculous to me, you can’t deny that it’s one of the most iconic of the Empire’s weapons.
This 3D printed AT-AT is designed not only as an articulated toy, but also to be fit with a motor so it can move autonomously.
Before you get too excited, there are a few things to keep in mind before you get the AT-AT up and moving. It’s a very large print, standing at almost a foot tall, so you’ll need to make sure your printer is large enough to print every one of the 69 individual parts needed.
The model cannot be scaled down, so ensure your 3D printer is up to the task before you get going.

While the file is free, you will need to buy the motor and switches separately and connect them during assembly to make sure it moves as well as it’s designed to. As we’ve all seen from the movie, they aren’t so good at keeping their balance at times.
These extra parts aren’t expensive (less than $15 total), but it’s still worth noting that this won’t be an entirely 3D printed Star Wars toy, and isn’t as simple as the others.
Don’t worry, though, there are well-detailed assembly guides included in the files with pictures to help you along the way. So if you’re confident enough with all of that, then happy printing!
But if that all seems a bit complex for you, then fear not, this minimalist AT-AT is a pretty cute, and very simple, alternative.
Practical Star Wars 3D Prints
As we’ve discussed, Star Wars likenesses grace many everyday objects. 3D printing practical objects are all well and good, but they can be made even better by customizing them with your favorite Star Wars characters or props.
These are a few creative examples of Star Wars-themed 3D prints that also serve a practical purpose to help with everyday life.
3D Printed Star Wars Bookmarks
- Where to Download: Cults3D
- Price: Free

Bookmarks, while simple, are a very useful thing to have regardless of how big a reader you are. If, like me, you find dogearing and old receipts to be worse than nothing, then you’ll be happy to know that 3D printed bookmarks are an easy and fun way to keep your page.
3D Printed Star Wars bookmarks are just as simple to make, and these ones above are easy but recognizable shapes for any fan to enjoy. They take no time and very little filament and don’t require any supports or the like.
So whether you want to mark your page with the known symbols of the rebels, the empire, or even the lesser-known phoenix squadron, you’re bound to find the faction you love here. I personally love that the rebel bookmark even has ‘rebel scum’ written on the side.
If you’d rather get fancier, you can try your hand at character silhouettes like this Princess Leia bookmark instead.
3D Printed Star Wars Doorstops
- Where to Download: plainolddave and ancanrom on Thingiverse
- Price: Free
Doorstops are one of those things that you don’t really know you’ll need until you really need one. Whether you’re moving furniture around the rooms or just need to get some fresh, cool air into a room on a scorching summer day, they come in a lot handier than many of us would think.
Since I couldn’t decide which of my favorite two 3D printed Star Wars doorstops to include, I decided to link both of the free files here. One bearing a simple likeness of Darth Vader when laid flat, the other with a much more detailed Baby Yoda from recent Mandalorian fame.
Darth Vader Toothpaste Topper
- Where to Download: Cults3D
- Price: Free

Toothpaste toppers are a fun and even useful way to make your daily routine more quirky, but more importantly they make children more willing and likely to take care of their dental hygiene. This Darth Vader toothpaste topper is designed to be mostly hollow inside so the toothpaste squeezes out of his weirdly triangular mouth piece.
If you’re looking to use this 3D printed Star Wars toothpaste topper, then I highly recommend using a non-toxic filament and being very careful to make sure filament fragments don’t make their way onto your toothbrush.
To learn more about which filaments are suitable, you can check out our article on food-safe filaments here. While you may not be eating the toothpaste (I hope), it’s not worth the risk to you or your family’s health to use just any old material on something designed to aid in hygiene, not hinder it.
3D Printed Star Wars Cosplay
Whether for conventions, costume parties, competitions, or even just for the heck of it, cosplay is a really fun and surprisingly exciting way to express yourself and your favorite comics, movies, books, videogames, and just about any fictional world there is!
Any cosplayer will happily tell you that there’s nothing quite as rewarding as making your own cosplay, even only partially, and 3D printing lends itself very well to doing this cheaply and often quite simply.
So here are some awesome 3D printed Star Wars cosplay items, from accessories to full-on suits!
Mandalorian Helmet
- Where to Download: Thingiverse
- Designer: jstayton26
- Price: Free

There are a lot of different Mandalorian helmets out there, each belonging to a different branch of Mandalore culture. Since I can’t cover every single one here, I’ve instead included the most famous kind of 3D printed Star Wars helmet as worn by these mercenaries, recognizable first as Boba Fett’s helmet from the original trilogy, but worn by many more both before and after him.
This wearable Mandalorian helmet is full size, scaled for an average adult’s head, and is deceptively simple to print as long as you’re printer is big enough.
So if you’re into Star Wars cosplay but don’t just want to throw on a bath robe and call it a Jedi cloak, then this is a very good starting point that could be the final piece you need for a fully 3D printed suit of armor.
Han Solo’s Blaster
- Where to Download: MyMiniFactory
- Designer: EDV
- Price: Free

It’s frankly insane just how many flame wars this simple prop has started. Renegade Han Solo doesn’t use lightsabers or fancy spears, his weapon of choice is a simple blaster, one that is well replicated in these free files.
Lore-wise, this blaster was known for being powerful without being unwieldy or offering much by way of kickback, making it perfect for smugglers and bounty hunters who needed to hide just how armed they were. So naturally, it was perfect for someone as used to under-the-table dealings as Han Solo.

While the Han Solo look can be completed with white and black clothes you can get from anywhere, no Star Wars smuggler outfit is complete without this signature firearm.
And as a side, can we all agree that Han didn’t shoot first? He was the only one who shot at all!
Stormtrooper Helmet
- Where to Download: Thingiverse
- Designer: Geoffro
- Price: Free

Another wearable helmet that’s perfect for completing your cosplay is this standard Stormtrooper helmet, 3D printed to be wearable just like the Mandalorian one above. While not the most popular, or even close to the coolest, of Star Wars villains, Stormtroopers were actually quite menacing at one point if you can believe it.
Despite their famously terrible aim and non-existent observational skills, the Stormtrooper look is a famous staple in the Star Wars franchise that looks as impressive as it is imposing.
Darth Vader Mask for Children
- Where to Download: MyMiniFactory
- Designer: caractermaker
- Price: Free

It’s not just us adults who get to have fun with cosplay, though it’s not a great idea to put particularly small children in helmets and heavy suits.
This honorable mention is an old-school Halloween-style Darth Vader mask designed so the little ones can join in the make-believe merriment too.
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